Monday, August 19, 2024

Buffalo Watercolor Set of Four

 Buffalos in Watercolor

These past couple weekends I have been working on a watercolor commission job to paint some buffalo. I have never painted buffalo, so it was a fun and exciting challenge. When I paint buffalo again, I will change a few things but I am happy with the overall look and how they turned out. Just sharing here in case someone is interested. 

Taking on commission work is always a bit intimating for me, despite the few times I have painted and sold them. The client always seems please, which makes painting worth it. 

In the midst of all of this I am getting five paintings ready for the Eastern Idaho State Fair, In fact my whole family is entering a few things. My mom is entering some of her cards and scrapbook pages, and I am entering some cards and scrapbook pages along with a few other things with may paintings. So we have been a bit busy, that is why we haven't been posting as much this month. Wish us the best of luck - hoping for a couple of ribbons of any color but blue is the real hope.

I hope you enjoy the paintings. 

The products used for these paintings are:

Liquid Dandelion Co paints from Let's Make Art (before they changed ownership, they don't sell paints much anymore - maybe in the future). Colors were black, sepia, honey brown, dandelion yellow, azure blue, leaf green, red, burnt orange, and forest green.

Butcher tray, pencil, graphite paper (for transferring design to the watercolor painting), and eraser (lots of redrawing and fixing)

Dr. Phil Martin Bleed proof white and Black Ink Matte

4X6 inch Canson 140 lb. watercolor paper (my favorite cold press watercolor paper)

3 Watercolor paint Brushes, Princeton Heritage, a size 2 and a size 6, then a size 4 paint bush that I cut up to make tree and apparently now buffalo fur texture (which it worked great! I got the idea from Sara Cray on Let's Make Art)

Here are the four paintings as a group, keep scrolling to see close ups of the individual paintings:

.....and that's it! 

Happy crafting and/or painting to you all! We hope you feel inspired to create something and if you can, craft with your family and/or friends and make some fun memories together!

“Watercolor is a swim in the metaphysics of life... a mirror of one's own character. Let it be unpredictable and colorful.” – Unknown


As always you can check out my Instagram page or my mom's Instagram page for more projects and ideas!  

See you on the next post!  


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